The numerous benefits of massage therapy are well documented. From decreasing stress and increasing well-being to the rehabilitation of injuries, massage can be powerful.
Seeing an RMT regularly can help prevent overuse injuries, whether from work or activities such as sports. These include tendinitis, muscular strains, ligament sprains, nerve compression issues like carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome, and headaches to name a few. An RMT that knows your body can recognize when your joints are out of alignment or when your muscles are tighter than usual and can treat accordingly.
Massage therapy increases circulation. This is helpful to every cell, organ and system in the body.
Maintaining and improving function and movement is also important for your health. Personalized stretches and strengthening are routinely shown.
Symptoms of discomfort from conditions like arthritis, MS, diabetes, migraines, osteoporosis, pregnancy, and many others can be decreased with regular treatment.
At Sunrise Health Massage Therapy, we are highly trained RMTs that may employ many techniques during the course of a treatment. These could include:
Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, prenatal and postnatal massage, myofascial therapy, neuromuscular therapy, muscle energy techniques, visceral therapy, intra-oral TMJ massage therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, joint mobilization, hydrotherapy, trigger point release, scar tissue mobilization, and sports massage.
Seeing an RMT regularly can help prevent overuse injuries, whether from work or activities such as sports. These include tendinitis, muscular strains, ligament sprains, nerve compression issues like carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome, and headaches to name a few. An RMT that knows your body can recognize when your joints are out of alignment or when your muscles are tighter than usual and can treat accordingly.
Massage therapy increases circulation. This is helpful to every cell, organ and system in the body.
Maintaining and improving function and movement is also important for your health. Personalized stretches and strengthening are routinely shown.
Symptoms of discomfort from conditions like arthritis, MS, diabetes, migraines, osteoporosis, pregnancy, and many others can be decreased with regular treatment.
At Sunrise Health Massage Therapy, we are highly trained RMTs that may employ many techniques during the course of a treatment. These could include:
Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, prenatal and postnatal massage, myofascial therapy, neuromuscular therapy, muscle energy techniques, visceral therapy, intra-oral TMJ massage therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, joint mobilization, hydrotherapy, trigger point release, scar tissue mobilization, and sports massage.