Facial Acupuncture is a natural, injection-free method of facial rejuvenation, originating from Traditional Chinese Medicine practices. It has been practiced in the East for thousands of years.
At our clinic we cradle a flexible device called Celluma, around the face, neck and upper chest. This low level light therapy uses blue, red and infrared light to reduce inflammation and improve blood flow to facial cells. The photons in the light target specific parts of the cell to interrupt the inflammatory cascade, thus reducing oxidative stress at the cellular level. This aids in collagen production to help reduce the appearance of fine lines associated with aging, and helps with acne, scarring and discolouration.
When combined with Acupuncture, it relaxes the nervous system, as well as facial muscles, to reduce lines and wrinkles and to support overall health and well-being.
Tiny facial needles are gently placed along strategic points where they interact with underlying tissues. This process stimulates the body's own healing response, tightens muscle tone and promotes elastin and collagen production. This winning combination of Celluma & Acupuncture has proven results.
With minimal reactions and zero downtime, Facial Rejuvenation is suitable for almost everyone. Some patients use facial acupuncture as an alternative, long term solution to cosmetic fillers and injections to avoid potential adverse effects.
At our clinic we cradle a flexible device called Celluma, around the face, neck and upper chest. This low level light therapy uses blue, red and infrared light to reduce inflammation and improve blood flow to facial cells. The photons in the light target specific parts of the cell to interrupt the inflammatory cascade, thus reducing oxidative stress at the cellular level. This aids in collagen production to help reduce the appearance of fine lines associated with aging, and helps with acne, scarring and discolouration.
When combined with Acupuncture, it relaxes the nervous system, as well as facial muscles, to reduce lines and wrinkles and to support overall health and well-being.
Tiny facial needles are gently placed along strategic points where they interact with underlying tissues. This process stimulates the body's own healing response, tightens muscle tone and promotes elastin and collagen production. This winning combination of Celluma & Acupuncture has proven results.
With minimal reactions and zero downtime, Facial Rejuvenation is suitable for almost everyone. Some patients use facial acupuncture as an alternative, long term solution to cosmetic fillers and injections to avoid potential adverse effects.